Mentoring Service
This service was a direct response to the mental health concerns of young people during the Covid-19 lockdowns.
We sent out two surveys to 100 of our young people. The responses showed us that they were worried about their mental health: 75% said they were experiencing anxiety, worry or loneliness. Already struggling at school, 70% were concerned about returning.
To meet this increased need we developed a new youth-led mentoring service. Using the coaching skills of our experienced facilitators, we offer youth-led small group mentoring, with topics determined by young people for each session, depending on their needs. We also offer one-to-one, youth-led mentoring for those with more complex needs.
I liked the opportunity to talk to friends alone, without interruptions

Our Approach
At Growing2gether, we believe that at some stage, every child and young person will need a safe place to go with their concerns. We offer such a place. With the help of a trusted adult who will listen to them, without judgement, every young person is supported in a kind, loving and empathic way.
Our mentors can provide help with anxiety, low mood, difficulty relating to peers, staff and family, overwhelm, worry, an inability to cope with expectations, lack of a sense of direction and engagement, anger, low self-esteem, poor self-belief and heightened sensitivity.
Our work is ‘person-centered’ and based on a model of Transpersonal Psychology (more on this below). Growing2gether believes that within all children and young people, there is the innate ability for healthy growth and learning, but sometimes life gets in the way.
We do not aim to ‘fix’ or to ‘solve’, as we believe nothing is broken. Through a process of uncovering and exploring some of the blocks, we can help them develop a greater ability to know and express what their needs are, building self-belief and confidence and a greater ability to cope in challenging situations.
Initially we offer 6 sessions, with the possibility of extending this to 12 sessions. Along the way, we ensure that the young person or child is happy to attend. We like them to know that it is their choice to show up, and that we follow confidentiality guidelines. The work can take place online or face to face; depending on what each child feels comfortable with.
Safeguarding policies and procedures are in place.
If a school wishes to refer a child with more specific needs than those named above, we suggest you contact the facilitator directly so that the matter can be discussed in advance. In this way, we can ensure that we provide the best possible intervention for the child.

Your school can participate in Growing2gether's mentoring service, contact our Director, Diana Whitmore