Uplifting Dundee: Spreading Positivity and Mental Wellness

Craigie High School

One of our latest cohorts ran in Dundee which had 13 young people participating. As well as achieving the SCQF interpersonal skills qualification, we also saw a 21% increase in mental health and a 25% in Mindset - measured pre and post Growing2gether.

We had such good feedback from the school staff and the pupils themselves that we look forward to continuing working within this council area.

“If I could bottle proof that what you’re doing is working  it would be this: that one student with 40% attendance at school turned up for 100% of the Growing2gether programme. This is an unbelievable opportunity for young people to show what they CAN do.”  - Craigie High School Youth Worker responsible for Health and Wellbeing.

“Helping children in nursery helped me to find skills and qualities I never really knew I had. I am so happy I got this opportunity because I would never have got the chance to improve myself to become who I am now. I have enjoyed this group and I have become more mature and confident, especially speaking.” - John, 14.

“By attending Growing2gether, she has become more confident. It has also given her a career path as she is certain she wants to go into childcare. With the increase in confidence, she has started attending more classes at school, as well as applying for day release to college to do child care.” Parent.


Our Growing2gether nursery mentoring programme uses positive psychology to coach young people to build mental health, develop life skills and make positive choices. Participants achieve an  SCVQ Personal Development Award (Self Awareness/Self in Community), building pride and encouraging the young people to re-engage in school.

Thank you to our generous funders, including the Esmee Fairbairn Foundation, Movember, Robertson Trust, National Lottery Community Fund, the Gannochy Trust, CABWI and the Bank of Scotland Foundation who are supporting our expansion to transform the lives of more young people. Also, we thank our partners Highland Highlife and Highland Council as well as our wonderful schools and the team of facilitators who work so hard to support young people to achieve their potential.
